Mauka-E-Vardaat is a Hindi crime show with preludes presented by renowned actors like Sapna Choudhary, Ravi Kishan and Manoj Tiwari. The show unravels a number of horrific criminal...
An interesting and different story revolving around Lakha Singh, a good-looking wrestler, and Komal, a helpful and loving girl, who’s asked to do jobs requiring strength because ...
The story revolves around a cute 7-year-old ghost Pihu, who is unaware of her own death and is in search of her mother. So powerful is the bond between Pihu and her mother that eve...
Akhilesh, a village simpleton, meets Ira, a medical student, in his hometown. Circumstances end up being such that Ira mistakenly makes him sterile. On learning about it, Akhilesh ...
The story revolves around Gudiya, a goofy, ordinary looking, free-spirited girl whose family is desperate to find a suitable match for her. However, she often gets rejected by the ...
A light-hearted story of a 20-year old girl, Guddan, who having bumbled and fumbled through most of her life and being told by her own family that she can barely get one thing righ...
A light-hearted story of a 20-year old girl, Guddan, who having bumbled and fumbled through most of her life and being told by her own family that she can barely get one thing righ...
A light-hearted romantic story revolving around two career-oriented individuals, Meera and Abhishek, who are trying to run away from marriage. Eventually, they also end up getting ...