The charismatic Agent Raghav is a gifted detective who can sense the nature of the crime by merely looking at the victim and deducing the clues mentally. He has inherited these ski...
Guns speak louder than words in Begusarai, a small town in Bihar! Phulan Thakur, supported loyally by his brother Bhusan Thakur, reigns supreme until the arrival of Bindiya, an ero...
The show revolves around a child possessed by a spirit and his mother's struggle to transform her son from a demon to a human being. Vidya and Devang are married and soon, Vidya ge...
The story revolves around Arati and her kids, Chaitra and Chiru. When all the three meet with an unfortunate road accident, Arati is able to save Chaitra, and not Chiru. When Arati...
The story is set in Kamalpura, a remote village, where the newly-wed brides live under constant fear of becoming a prey to unknown monster. Since this unknown demon attacks the new...
Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai is a Hindi drama comedy show that sketches the lives of the Mishras and Mirzas, living in the same mansion. The show satirically depicts both the familie...
A show that makes us aware of the crimes happening around us and teaches us the need to be alert towards stopping a crime, be it common day-to-day situations or more complex ones l...
It is an extraordinary story of a beautiful young couple set in Kolkata. The young lovers seem to be a match made in heaven, with the exception of a cruel curse that is cast on the...
The story traces the journey of an honest cop, who chooses to fight for everyone who has been denied justice. He forms a team of like-minded cops and together, they become a force ...
Troubled with his nightmares about him killing his wife Siya, Ram decides to leave her, compelling Siya to return to India. Ram too follows her. However, little do they know that a...
Aghori is a supernatural thriller which dwells into the mysterious lives of the mystics. The story depicts the challenging life of Ishaan, a young Aghori, who embarks on his missio...