It is a story of a girl named Raavi who grows up disguised as a boy, Ravinder, in a Punjabi household in Dharampura. She manages to find a magic mobile phone and uses it for the be...
Deewane Anjane is a comedy-drama revolving around two brothers, Laxman and Raman, and their dysfunctional family. Laxman wants his elder brother Raman to get married. But Raman, a ...
A prequel to the historical comedy ‘Akbar Birbal’, the show focuses on relevant issues. A young Akbar wants to make his own decisions and rule his kingdom on his own terms. A f...
Kunwara Hai Par Hamara Hai is a comedy show that showcases the problems of a single man in a typical traditional Indian family, where bachelorhood is taken for granted by everyone....
The show is a light-hearted comedy revolving around a young girl who lies about being married in order to get hold of a job. However, her dual identity throws in some unexpected ob...
Bakula is the matriarch of the Raja family, whom everyone fears. So much so that her family wishes to see her dead! Their prayers are answered but not fully as Bakula is stranded b...
The show is a light-hearted comic series which revolves around a common man. This comman man's life takes an unexpected drastic turn when he comes face-to-face with the God himself...
A comedy series that revolves around a not-so-common man, Mr. Bhade, who has the superpower of taking other people’s troubles from them through his touch for a limited time. From...
With a new twist in the tale and humorous motif, the family of five crazy daughters, two loving mothers and a middle-class father, who always finds himself in a pickle because of t...
A sitcom based on the not-so-ordinary happenings in the Mathur household. The rib-tickling show highlights how Anand Mathur lands in problematic situations, time and again, thanks ...
Planning a wedding in India is always accompanied by a lot of emotions, drama, comedy, action and conflicts. Imagine what will happen when aliens land on earth to be the wedding pl...
The story is set in a locality in Bhopal and revolves around a young woman, Dulari, who is proud of having a charming husband, Ram. However, due to her insecurity, she always tries...