The story revolves around lead characters, Abhimanyu and Samyuktha. Samyuktha's scooty clashes with Abhimanyu's car, and they instantly hate each other, but join hands to help Abhi...
Ranu dreams of providing a comfortable life to her parents, who work as domestic helpers for the cruel Mitra family. But life takes a drastic turn when Ranu wins a lottery of INR 1...
It is an interesting love story of Dev and Payal. Dev finds himself on seventh heaven when he falls in love with Payal, a career-oriented woman. He is elated when his family approv...
The story is set in the backdrop of the Royal Family of Ameerkot, which is headed by the matriarch of the royal family. Things take a turn for worse when they face the worst financ...
Aapke Aa Jaane Se is an unusual love story of 42-year-old widow, Vedika and a 24-year-old Sahil. Vedika lives with her daughter after her husband's death. Fate has Sahil falling in...
The story is set in the backdrop of the Royal Family of Ameerkot, which is headed by the matriarch of the royal family. Things take a turn for worse when they face the worst financ...
The story revolves around Shayama, a dusky girl who believes that her complexion is akin to Lord Krishna’s complexion. After her marriage with Nikhil, Shayama faces a lot of disc...
Ever thought about the challenges a girl, who has to live with not one but seven mothers-in-law, would have to face post marriage? The show beautifully explores the journey of a yo...
It is an interesting and emotional story of Pari, an orphan girl, who believes that she will find her mother in her mother-in-law. However, destiny has something else in store for ...
A show set against the backdrop of the India-Pakistan partition, depicting the passionate love story of Lajwanti and Suderlal, a story of separation and twist of circumstances that...
The show revolves around a young woman, Indira Sharma, who is very diligent and a strict disciplinarian by nature. Because of her disciplinarian attitude, she is commonly known as ...
The story is set in Kamalpura, a remote village, where the newly-wed brides live under constant fear of becoming a prey to unknown monster. Since this unknown demon attacks the new...