Homemaking is a tedious full-time job, but often in our patriarchal society, the troubles and sacrifices of a woman looking after a family go completely unnoticed. The story revolv...
A comedy show that depicts the life of a law-abiding history professor, Gopal Sharma, who doesn’t believe in God. Lord Krishna becomes an everyday part of his existence and turns...
A rib-tickling comedy show that revolves around a mother-son duo. Vivek works at an MNC and ensures that his mother is well provided for. Things do not remain the same when his mot...
It is a story of a girl named Raavi who grows up disguised as a boy, Ravinder, in a Punjabi household in Dharampura. She manages to find a magic mobile phone and uses it for the be...
A unique and light-hearted comedy show with an aim to entertain the masses. The show depicts the twisted tale of neighbouring families which suffer from 'Look-alike Syndrome'! Hila...
Kunwara Hai Par Hamara Hai is a comedy show that showcases the problems of a single man in a typical traditional Indian family, where bachelorhood is taken for granted by everyone....
A prequel to the historical comedy ‘Akbar Birbal’, the show focuses on relevant issues. A young Akbar wants to make his own decisions and rule his kingdom on his own terms. A f...
Deewane Anjane is a comedy-drama revolving around two brothers, Laxman and Raman, and their dysfunctional family. Laxman wants his elder brother Raman to get married. But Raman, a ...
A comedy series that revolves around a not-so-common man, Mr. Bhade, who has the superpower of taking other people’s troubles from them through his touch for a limited time. From...
The show is a light-hearted comic series which revolves around a common man. This comman man's life takes an unexpected drastic turn when he comes face-to-face with the God himself...
The show is a light-hearted comedy revolving around a young girl who lies about being married in order to get hold of a job. However, her dual identity throws in some unexpected ob...
With a new twist in the tale and humorous motif, the family of five crazy daughters, two loving mothers and a middle-class father, who always finds himself in a pickle because of t...