A fun-filled comedy show based in the lively lanes of Kanpur where two distinctly different men, Tiwari and Vibhuti, reside as neighbours. The show depicts the lives of Tiwari and ...
A fun-filled comedy show based in the lively lanes of Kanpur where two distinctly different men, Tiwari and Vibhuti, reside as neighbours. The show depicts the lives of Tiwari and ...
A riveting story of faith and trust revolving around Santoshi, a loving girl who is a staunch devotee of Goddess Santoshi. With no malice or greed in her heart, Santoshi believes i...
It is an extraordinary story of a beautiful young couple set in Kolkata. The young lovers seem to be a match made in heaven, with the exception of a cruel curse that is cast on the...
Troubled with his nightmares about him killing his wife Siya, Ram decides to leave her, compelling Siya to return to India. Ram too follows her. However, little do they know that a...
Aghori is a supernatural thriller which dwells into the mysterious lives of the mystics. The story depicts the challenging life of Ishaan, a young Aghori, who embarks on his missio...
A crime, mystery, drama series that revolves around a street-smart, ace private detective, Bunty Sharma, and special agent, Bhim Singh Bhullar. Together, they take on serial killer...
Gunjan, a fun-loving girl from Mumbai, loses her mother to cancer. As her father is in Australia, her kind-hearted aunt, Shail, brings Gunjan to her home in Benaras. Shail's introv...
Mauka-E-Vardaat is a Hindi crime show with preludes presented by renowned actors like Sapna Choudhary, Ravi Kishan and Manoj Tiwari. The show unravels a number of horrific criminal...
Punar Vivaah is a story about a widow and a widower, both of whom have already shared their lives and dreams with some else in the past. However, they are now circumstantially bond...
Gunjan, a fun-loving girl from Mumbai, loses her mother to cancer. As her father is in Australia, her kind-hearted aunt, Shail, brings Gunjan to her home in Benaras. Shail's introv...
Gunjan, a fun-loving girl from Mumbai, loses her mother to cancer. As her father is in Australia, her kind-hearted aunt, Shail, brings Gunjan to her home in Benaras. Shail's introv...