Gunjan, a fun-loving girl from Mumbai, loses her mother to cancer. As her father is in Australia, her kind-hearted aunt, Shail, brings Gunjan to her home in Benaras. Shail's introv...
Set in the Muslim backdrop, the story revolves around a girl, who hates the culture of hypocrisy in a joint family. The show embarks on the journey of this spirited girl as she tri...
Set in the Muslim backdrop, the story revolves around a girl, who hates the culture of hypocrisy in a joint family. The show embarks on the journey of this spirited girl as she tri...
Set in the Muslim backdrop, the story revolves around a girl, who hates the culture of hypocrisy in a joint family. The show embarks on the journey of this spirited girl as she tri...
Urmi marries a spoilt brat, Samrat. However, he continues to be a flirt. Urmi tries her best to save her marriage and soon gives birth to their child, Shaurya. Tired of Samrat's cr...
Set in the Muslim backdrop, the story revolves around a girl, who hates the culture of hypocrisy in a joint family. The show embarks on the journey of this spirited girl as she tri...
The show narrates the story of Survi and Kartik, who are completely different individuals separated by their backgrounds, age and temperaments. However, they are bound to each othe...
Bandhan is a heart-warming story of two innocent souls, who share a very tender and unique relationship with each other. The story revolves around an innocent girl, who earnestly d...
The story revolves around two headstrong women who find themselves at crossroads post a commonly bound dramatic revelation. Instead of being at loggerheads, this situation brings t...
The show highlights people's obsession with stigmas such as bad omens and black magic. A girl, who is buried alive by her father at the time of her birth is rescued by another man ...
It is a light-hearted show revolving around five sisters. Based in Delhi, the show highlights how these sisters are together yet different from each other in their own quirky manne...
It's the story of a woman who, after keeping herself from getting tied down to societal norms and stereotypes for 39 years, has to now rise to the occasion and don a role she has k...