The show narrates the story of Jassi’s unheard and unspoken part of life. In spite of having maintained a perfect balance between her role as a wife and as a daughter-in-law, she...
The story revolves around Sarojini, an aspiring teacher, who gets married to Somendra Singh under some unimaginably strange situations. Dushyant, her regressive and dominating fath...
The story revolves around a young girl Manasvini aka Manu, who was killed by Maya, an ‘Icchadhari Naagin’, or a shape-shifting snake, at the age of 13. Maya had killed Manu as ...
The story is set in the backdrop of the Royal Family of Ameerkot, which is headed by the matriarch of the royal family. Things take a turn for worse when they face the worst financ...
The show captures the journey of Amma, a woman who is deserted by her husband during the partition of India. Amma rises to a position of power by creating an identity for herself, ...
The show revolves around the unusual love stories of two contrasting persons. Things do not remain the same when Rahul, a Rock-star and the scion of the biggest musical empire runs...
This is a story about a contemporary son-in-law, who, despite being a jet-setting hotelier, takes it upon himself to repair the estranged relationship between his wife and his moth...
This is a story about a contemporary son-in-law, who, despite being a jet-setting hotelier, takes it upon himself to repair the estranged relationship between his wife and his moth...
This is a story about a contemporary son-in-law, who, despite being a jet-setting hotelier, takes it upon himself to repair the estranged relationship between his wife and his moth...
The show traces the lives of the members of an extended nuclear family of the Mehtas. The series highlights the various trials and tribulations faced by the family members, as they...
Arya, an aspiring actor, has left behind his family, friends and his love Niyati, to pursue his dream of making it big in movies. Things do not remain the same when his paths cross...
An intriguing story of Dr Akshay caught in a dilemma of love and sacrifice. Things do not remain the same when his best friend dies, leaving behind his pregnant fiancé Vijaya. Fee...